Youtube 赚钱技巧分享 我如何在Youtube第一个月赚$2000?

👨‍💻罗格 💠Google AdSense实操教程 ⏰4年前 (2019-02-28) 👁️168781 Views 💬18 comments
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怎样让Youtube的收入翻倍?什么样的视频最赚钱,什么时候发视频最赚钱?除了广告Youtube还有哪些赚钱渠道?……这些都是做Youtube 的朋友必须了解的经验。

Youtube 赚钱技巧分享.jpg

Youtube 如何才能开通盈利,我在之前的文章也分享过一些相关内容,总体上 Youtube 想要开通盈利的方法和我们做网站广告 Adsense 的方法基本一致,本文讲述一个华人Youtube创业第一个月就赚了$2000的真实经历及分享的一些技巧,这是很多网红不愿透露的Youtube赚钱秘诀!本文尾部有我关注的几个 Youtube 作者的频道,以及2018年YouTube最赚钱的网红排行榜。


Youtube 获利新规一年内播放时长和订阅量未达标将无法获取获利功能
Youtube 素材大全

经过一个多月的努力,我已经收到了 Youtube 打给我的十二月份的收入。今天我就来分享一下我在十二月份都做过什么,都做了哪些努力,然后赚了多少钱。我也想跟大家分享一些Youtuber是如何赚钱的,然后如何获得广告收益,里面有哪些细节,那些技巧。通过我的介绍,你基本可以了解到你喜欢的那个Youtuber大概一个月能赚多少钱。







地域对 Youtube收入的影响





















你说我完全不可能做Youtube,真不一定。 随着网络科技的快速发展,可能在未来每一个人,不论你做什么都要依托网络,所以说大家对这方面的知识有所了解,应该对你未来的事业发展得有一定的帮助。











COCO Chanou
COCO Chanou.png




2018 年年末的时候,福布斯出了一个YouTube最赚钱的网红排行榜


English Reading:

How to double the income of Youtube? What kind of video is the most profitable, when is the most profitable video? In addition to advertising Youtube what other money-making channels? ... These are the experiences that a friend of Youtube must understand.

Youtube money making tips sharing.jpg

How can Youtube be able to open a profit? I also shared some related content in the previous article. In general, the way Youtube wants to open a profit is basically the same as the way we do Adsense on the website. This article tells the story of a Chinese Youtube startup in the first month. With a real experience of $2000 and some tips for sharing, this is a lot of tips that Youhong is not willing to disclose. At the end of this article are the channels of several Youtube authors that I am following, and the most profitable online red list for YouTube in 2018.

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Youtube monetization new rules will not be able to get monetization when the broadcast duration and subscription volume are not met within one year

After more than a month of hard work, I have received the December revenue that Youtube has given me. Today, I will share what I have done in December, what efforts have been made, and how much money I have earned. I also want to share with you how some Youtuber makes money, and then how to get advertising revenue, what details are there, and those skills. Through my introduction, you can basically understand how much you can earn from the Youtuber you like.

I have made 15 videos from December 1st to December 31st. Basically it is two days, and the density is still very large. The total number of hits is about 400,000, and the advertising revenue is 2,000 dollars. 400,000 hits, and then get $2,000 in advertising revenue. On average, it is 1,000 clicks to get $5 in revenue.

It may be said that some people here will have some doubts. I have seen it before. Some people say that 1000 clicks can get 1 US dollar. Why can you get 5 US dollars in income? There are still some details in it.

It is important that the length of the video is 10 minutes!

For example, your video is within 10 minutes, even if you are 9 minutes and 59 seconds, you can only add one ad. Just add an ad at the beginning of your video. But If your video is more than 10 minutes, you can add a lot of ads, in theory you can add countless ads. This is what we can do manually. In the background we can add advertising ourselves.

Make a more exaggerated comparison: your video is 9 minutes and 59 seconds, my video is 10 minutes and 1 second, you have an advertisement, then I can add 3 ads, so if you count 1000 people see your video also After reading my video, your ad may earn $1, and my advertising revenue is $3.

There are a lot of tips on video length and advertising. Many of my videos are 11 minutes or 12 minutes. I have been constantly adjusting these videos to add time to more than 10 minutes. For example, by adding an egg, extend the video length to 10+ minutes.

The impact of geography on Youtube’s income

What does the geographical influence factor mean? For example, I made a video in South Korea. There are 1000 people in Korea who watched this video. For example, my income is 1 US dollar, but in the United States, 1000 people have watched my video. Maybe my income is 3 dollars. .

He may be based on the country's wealth, the more people in the more developed countries see my video, the more my advertising revenue may be.

Season's impact on Youtube's income

Generally, at the end of the year or on holidays, businesses are more willing to advertise on Youtube.

Summarize these factors: one is the length of your video, then the number of ads you add in the video, and the other is the person watching the video. He is willing to read your ads, then you are in Geographically, where most of your audience is concentrated, one more is to respond positively. These five factors are the main factors that affect your YouTube advertising revenue.

I emphasize that in fact, Youtube can generate a lot of benefits, advertising revenue is the most important one for many youtubers. In particular, overseas Chinese from the media, such as the self-media of doing political affairs, basically rely mainly on this income.

Speaking of this, everyone thinks, is it possible for me to open a channel to be a self-media? He still has a minimum threshold, First of all, your channel will have at least 4,000 hours of viewing time and 1000 subscriptions in a year to make a profit.

What are the benefits of Youtube besides advertising?

Of course, in addition to advertising revenue, there are some other benefits, such as you can do live broadcasts. What can you do if you do a live broadcast? For example, you can have advertising revenue, you can broadcast ads when you are doing live broadcasts.

At the same time, what income can you have? For example, in the live room, there are five or six thousand people watching your live broadcast. Everyone is leaving a message, but I think my message can be seen in a very prominent position. At this time, I can pay some money to this youtuber. Then I was able to put my message in a very eye-catching position and stay stuck for a long time. This is also a benefit of some of Youtuber's live broadcasts.

Of course there are others, such as members.

Will the praise affect the Youtube income?

Praise does not directly affect Youtube's income, he may not be directly related to advertising. However, he has an indirect effect.

For example, this video is relatively long, and then praise more, Youtube system will judge this video is a relatively high-quality video, and then the system itself recommended him to more people, with more people to see, Its advertising revenue will increase, this is to indirectly increase the income of this video.

Will the subscription volume affect Youtube revenue?

This actually does not directly affect advertising revenue, because you subscribe to more users, if you look at fewer people, advertising revenue will still be less. But he has another role. If you subscribe to a lot, such as three hundred and fifty thousand or one million, some merchants will come to you to do some soft advertising.

About video content: pay attention to non-timeliness

The video I made may not be the same as the videos from other media from the media. Other videos from the media may be very hot at the time, and then there are many people clicking, but no one has seen it after this time. Although my video is not necessarily very high in terms of clicks, you may see it again next year or if you look at it next year.

The number of my videos is currently about 90. If there are hundreds of videos in the future, then, even if I don’t make new videos every day, the old videos I have done can bring me advertising revenue. It is already very impressive.

Who should do Youtube video?

You said that I can't do Youtube at all, it's not necessarily. With the rapid development of network technology, everyone in the future, no matter what you do, depends on the network, so everyone knows about this knowledge, and it should help you in your future career development.

Give you a simple example. For example, if you open a restaurant in Los Angeles, you can open a Youtube video. You can talk about your experience in living in Los Angeles. The story of working in Los Angeles, slowly you may Will accumulate a certain amount of traffic and fans, for example, there are 35,000, the traffic may not be very high, you can not get too much advertising revenue, but the 35,000 subscriptions, they may be most They all live near Los Angeles. They like your video. One day she will have an idea: I will go to his restaurant for a turn and then go there to eat. In this case, your income will not increase?

Of course, with the rise of Vlog and the emergence of smart shooting devices, more and more people have joined the video from the media, like the watermelon video of the headlines I have done before, Youku's creator plan, iQiyi's iQiyi No., the creator of the B station plans to have a creator's profit method, and then the video handling has come into being. This has also led to the more strict review of Youtube now, but there are still many skills to open the profit of Youtube. The specific method will be shared by everyone in the next issue.

I am interested in Youtube authors

Youtube author Yang Bao from Malaysia

YBB Yang Hongling
YBB 杨虹玲.png

Youtube author cool teacher from Taiwan

Cool teacher

Youtube author from the United States COCO

COCO Chanou
COCO Chanou.png

**Youtube author from Korea고효주


YouTube's most profitable online red list

At the end of 2018, Forbes had a YouTube most profitable online red list.

YouTube's most profitable online red list.jpeg

  1. 视频自媒体人越来越多,大家做搬运的越来越多,这块市场将越来越难做,大家要想挣钱就要提前入场,还是那句话种树的最好时间是十年前,其次是现在。

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  • 客官,说两句吧!

    已有 18 条评论

    1. 创意共享工作室


    2. 原来是你啊

      YouTube加订阅刷播放量,真人IP,真人浏览,真实流量,免费方法,免费,免费,免费(重要的事情说三遍),咨询weixin:( ******* )

    3. 云上小悟


    4. 执迷不悟


      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @执迷不悟 加油,互联网是暴富最容易的渠道之一

        1. 执迷不悟

          @罗格 我先做个梦,万一哪天实现了呢!哈哈~~

    5. 范明明


      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @范明明 是的,Youtube获利的2个先决条件是首先要有AdSense,然后频道要达到4K小时播放量和1K订阅用户,不过其实后面两条并不是太难达到,稍微花点钱就能搞定

    6. 网赚博客


      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @网赚博客 欢迎经常来访!

    7. 夏目贵志

      不说都忘了 上次也研究怎么YouTube赚钱

      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @夏目贵志 赶快说说你研究的成果,Youtube赚钱我认为和adsense一样,有两条路一条做原创,一条做搬运,不过Youtube的4000小时和1000订阅的审核相对来说比较难

        1. 夏目贵志

          @罗格 听说搬运短视频 到YouTube也赚钱 准备试试

          1. 罗格
            罗格 管理员 收录情况

            @夏目贵志 嗯,搬运抖音等一些视频也是一种玩法

    8. 鸟叔


      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @鸟叔 那鸟叔留个频道地址,我来拜访订阅一下

        1. 鸟叔

          @罗格 构思还没想好,先向您学习一下。