Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表

👨‍💻罗格 💠Google AdSense实操教程 ⏰5年前 (2019-02-08) 👁️11511 Views 💬4 comments
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我想 Adsense 美国账号运营的朋友大概都会遇到这个问题,我最近谈了一家国内专门做收款的公司,他们家可以代收我们 Adsense 美国账号的收入,这对于国内的小伙伴或许是一个福利,而且手续费只有1%,具体如何如何操作等我后面专门出教程给到大家。

因为经常注册美号并且也有多个英语网站在运作,所以这里就给大家介绍一下 Adsense 美国账号该如何填写W-8税表。


美国 W8 W9 税务认证表格是什么?该如何填写?



  1. 个人身份证x1
  2. 美国地址x1
  3. 美国能帮你收pin的人



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Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表


Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表

进到个人设置里面之后你可以看到一堆信息你的账号注册国家 以及账号类型 另外还有语言设置 居住地址修改等等,当然这些基础的东西没什么必要讲不过对于买号的人来说或许不知道。

接下来悬着美国税务填写地方他会有一个 笔一样的图标点击之后会出现一个税务信息申报填写的链接 点击即可进入填写税务信息。

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进到税务填信息填写之后就是最基本的选择了,第一个问你是不是美国公民当然你是天朝的很显然不可能去点是这个选项对吧? 然后选择非美国公民之后第二个选项就跟着出现当然 你在其中看不到个人选项于是乎你也不是免税人只能选择企业这个选项了,接下来最后一个选项选择否即可这个可以轻松咯过。

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当你填完第一步之后就会进到下一步,这一步才是最麻烦的地方,当然我们选择的是美国以外的居民那么税表就是W-8的 第一步 设置受益者类型(收款人类型)这里你就可以看到个人选项就在其中了这时候就选择上个人即可,接着下一步填写上自己的姓名(注意美国姓名是反的 他们是 名再前姓在后)之后选择你的所在国家你可以理解成你的国籍所在国家什么的 当然你填写美国也可以不过我基本上选择中国,接着就是居住国家这个当然选择美国了。

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接下来选择玩居住所在国家之后地下会有一个选项该地址是否是你收信件的地址这时候你选上即可当然你也可以在写一个我不写的原因是应为特麻烦不如直接勾上23333 (我这个地址是随便打的并不能收pin哦你填写相同的也没任何用

Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表6.jpg

当你完成以上之后会有一个选项这个选项会让你填入SSN信息EIN信息不过你属于国外人没有雇主信息SSN信息你可以选择米国以外的个人信息例如身份证号码,跟你填写的姓名匹配就可以了,目前能不能一个人填写多个税务目前我也还不知道,只知道之前测试的时候2个号同一个人都正常下款了不过我不太推荐这样做。填写完身份证号码之后点击遵守并允许XXX条约 接着条约国家选择中国即可!

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Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表8.jpg

填写完信息之后 Part.3这个地方有个选项请勾上

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Adsense收款教程 Adsense 美国账号收款该如何填写税表10.jpg




English Reading:

I think the friends who operate the Adsense US account will probably encounter this problem. I recently talked about a company that specializes in collecting money in China. Their family can collect the income of our Adsense US account, which may be a welfare for domestic partners. And the handling fee is only 1%, how to operate it, etc. I will give you a special tutorial.

Because I often register the US number and there are also multiple English websites in operation, I will tell you how to fill out the W-8 tax form for the Adsense US account.

Extended reading:

What is the US W8 W9 Tax Certification Form? How to fill in?

Adsense US Tax Filling Tutorial

First of all, of course, the first point is that you need to have an American Adsense account, otherwise there is no use for it! Of course you still need to prepare the information.

Personal identification card x1

  1. US address x1
  2. The United States can help you collect the pin
Adsesen USA PIN charge for

The above is what you need. Once you are complete, you can fill in the Adsense US tax! Of course, you can fill in the pin first and then collect it.

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first step

Log in to the Adsese backend and open the payment information option to set it up. My system is Japanese. So the account registered by Google is basically following the general tax filling of my system. It is the process that everyone can watch! !

Adsense Collection Tutorials Adsense How to Fill in Tax Forms for US Account Collections

Then see the setting place there is a user information display, then click on the settings management to enter the personal settings, of course, the personal settings are your registered user information. Of course, the pin to modify the address is also modified from here.

Adsense Collection Tutorials Adsense How to Fill in Tax Forms for US Account Collections

After entering the personal settings, you can see a bunch of information, your account registration country and account type, as well as language settings, residence address modification, etc. Of course, these basic things are not necessary, but for those who buy the number, perhaps not know.

Next, the US tax is filled in. He will have a pen-like icon. After clicking, a tax information report will be displayed. Click to enter the tax information.

Adsense Collection Tutorial Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 3.jpg

After entering the tax filling information, it is the most basic choice. The first one asks if you are a US citizen. Of course, you are a celestial person. It is obviously impossible to go to this option. Right? Then choose the non-US citizen and the second option will follow. Of course you can't see the personal option in it. So you are not the tax-exempt person can only choose the enterprise option. Then the last option can be selected. Over.

Adsense Collection Tutorial Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 4.jpg

When you fill in the first step, you will move on to the next step. This step is the most troublesome place. Of course, we choose residents outside the United States. The tax form is the first step in setting the beneficiary type of W-8. Type of money) Here you can see that the personal option is in it. You can choose the person at this time, and then fill in your name in the next step (note that the US name is negative, they are the name and the last name is after) Choosing your country can be understood as the country of your nationality. Of course, you can fill in the United States. But I basically choose China, and then I live in the country. Of course I choose the United States.

Adsense Collection Tutorial Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 5.jpg

Next, after choosing to play in the country where you live, there will be an option in the underground. Is the address the address you received? At this time, you can choose it. Of course, you can also write one. I don’t write it because it should be a special trouble. 23333 (My address is free to play and can't receive pin. You can't use the same )

Adsense Collection Tutorial Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 6.jpg

When you finish the above, there will be an option. This option will let you fill in the SSN information EIN information. However, if you belong to a foreigner, there is no employer information. You can choose personal information other than the country, such as an ID card number, to match the name you filled in. Yes, I can't fill in multiple taxes at the moment. I don't know at the moment. I only know that the same person in the previous test is the same as the other one, but I don't recommend it. After completing the ID number, click to comply with and allow the XXX treaty. Then the treaty countries choose China!

Adsense Collection Tutorial Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 7.jpg

When you finish the above steps, you will come here last. These three can be filled out, but the rules change to become more than the options, but there is nothing to fill in your personal name and the tax rate is 0% and then the last one. Fill in your income type to complete.

Adsense Collection Tutorials Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 8.jpg

After filling out the information, there is an option in the place of Part.3.

Adsense Collection Tutorials Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 9.jpg

Then the last step is to sign your own name and submit it! ! !

Adsense Collection Tutorials Adsense US Account Collection How to Fill in Tax Form 10.jpg

After the completion of the submission, you will be able to collect the money normally. In addition, if it is a tax error, etc., when Google sends money, he will prompt you to change the wrong information if you change it slightly! ! ! ! !

Then the above is the simple Adsense US W-8 tax form to fill out! ! !

The content of the above tutorial is reproduced from the blog of my friend Teng Teng: Adsense US Tax Form Filling Tutorial

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  • 客官,说两句吧!

    已有 4 条评论

    1. Robinico

      能不能让海外 比如用澳洲的另一个亲友收款呢 写他的信息收不知道是否可行?

      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @Robinico 同地区可以使用另外的人收款

    2. Franco


      1. 罗格
        罗格 管理员 收录情况

        @Franco 国内号现在只有固定的几个城市可以收