Google Adsense 过审核申请教程,谷歌广告的另类申请技巧

👨‍💻罗格 💠Google AdSense实操教程 ⏰6年前 (2018-01-10) 👁️6405 Views 💬0 comment
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Google Adsense 过审核申请教程,谷歌广告的另类申请技巧

继上周我发布了:新网站快速申请 Google AdSense 账号获批通过的技巧 之后,立马收到很多网友反响,发现大多数网友在申请 Google Adsense 的时候太不顺利了,而真正的能帮助到大家通过Google Adsense审核的教程在国内少之又少,主要是因为国内博客类网站起家比较晚,也是算从2010年以后,真正的博客玩家才变得多起来,在这之前只是一些大神级的SEO优化者真正的关注联盟网赚这块,加上国内网络抄袭泛滥,靠Google Adsense赚钱的博主并不多,反倒台湾一些博客玩家依靠一些博客平台赚足了人气,不过如今那些台湾网红博主大多转战Youtube,而同时国内这些小博客玩家才相继拾起Adsense联盟赚点养服务器的费用。






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Google Adsense 广告收益止损新办法 ads.txt 帮你搞定


解密 Google AdSense 高价赚钱网站类型之挖掘高价广告关键词的秘密
最近为客户代申请Google Adsense账号搞得自己也很头大,为此看了看了国内的一些网站出售平台,没有找到很合适的网站可以用来作为Adsense申请使用,中间尝试搜索了国外的网站出售平台,看到一个销售价格为200美刀的网站,是个平衡车的购物导购站,里面有个Blog模块提供了很多平衡车测评的英文文章,按照我上面采集的思路,如果把这些测评文章全部翻译成简体中文并单独弄个博客那就是相当于纯原创的内容,并且这些内容主题一致,这对于不知道如何原创,如何写文的博主或许非常有帮助,希望大家用好这方法。


English Reading

After last week, I released: New website quick application for Google AdSense account approved skills After receiving a lot of netizens, I found that most netizens are not going well when applying for Google Adsense, but really The tutorials that can help everyone through Google Adsense review are rare in China, mainly because domestic blog-based websites started late, and it is counted that since 2010, real bloggers have become more, just before this. Some big-level SEO optimizers really pay attention to the alliance network to earn this piece, and the domestic network plagiarism floods, there are not many bloggers who make money by Google Adsense, but some bloggers in Taiwan rely on some blog platforms to make a lot of popularity, but now Most of those Taiwanese bloggers have turned to Youtube, and at the same time, these small bloggers in China have picked up the fees of the Adsense Alliance to earn servers.

The early Adsense threshold was relatively low, and now applying for Adsense is indeed a lot harder than before, but there are still a lot of breakthrough skills, just because most website players don't know much about Adsense, so they submitted some non-compliant websites. This has led to repeated failures and even abandonment. There are too many examples. So today I will provide you with an application technique that I and my friends have already implemented,If your Adsense has been showing that it is under review, you may be able to try to re-open the application based on the ideas in this article. but before you do, you have to be prepared:

  1. Domain name
  2. the server (Linode, BandwagonHost VPS, Vultr)
  3. Website system (Typecho, Wordpress, Dreamweaver, Empire CMS)
  4. reptile tools (locomotive, code acquisition)
  5. pseudo original tools (奶盘 SEO pseudo original is not required)
  6. Baidu translation API

Mainly talk about the steps:

First set up a website system on the server you purchased, novices can directly install the pagoda control panel to build the website, the pagoda will not be installed, please contact Baidu directly or contact me QQ1989473781 to help install, and pay attention to the server recommended by me above. Providers are best to choose servers in the United States, Linode choose Fremont or Los Angeles hosts, BandwagonHost VPS choose Los Angeles CN2 Telecom mainland direct connected hosts, these hosts will be relatively friendly to the mainland, if only used to apply Adsense to use the above hosts monthly You can buy it.

Clear website positioning, of course, if you just want to apply for an Adsense account, you can ignore the positioning, but the content of the website should be unified. We were positioned as a traditional website for financial stocks. The source of the collection was from Sina blog, because we found that Sina blogs are indeed very good. The blogger, so the wall cracker recommended everyone to collect from the early blog platform, here the wall crack recommended everyone to collect from the early blog platform, this blog platform has Sina blog, Sohu blog, Taiwan Pixnet, these three blog platforms Is the best source of content, I hope everyone can make good use of it, you can use the locomotive or write your own crawler script to collect the library.

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We collect about 1,000 financial stock articles every day. Because the positioning is relatively clear, we will not collect other types of articles. After the collection, we will use the Baidu translation API to do traditional conversion, and convert the content of the article into traditional Chinese. The pseudo-original tools I used were added later. I think that if you can use this kind of pseudo-original tools to make the original pseudo-original, it will be more conducive to SEO and Adsense applications, but because it is collection, it does not want to spend too much time and Energy, and finally did not use pseudo-original tools, the collection took more than a month, we began to try to apply for Adsense, the next day passed the application, and then think back and forth should try to apply earlier, maybe this time can be shorter.

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Updated August 12, 2018:
Recently, I applied for a Google Adsense account for my clients. I also looked at some of the domestic website sales platforms. I didn’t find a suitable website to use as an Adsense application. I tried to search for foreign countries. The website sells the platform and sees a website with a sales price of 200 US dollars. It is a shopping guide for the balance car. There is a blog module that provides a lot of English articles for balancing car evaluation. According to the ideas I collected above, if these evaluations are taken The article is translated into Simplified Chinese and a blog is a purely original content, and the content of these content is the same. This may be very helpful for bloggers who don't know how to make originals and how to write articles. I hope everyone can use this method well. .

The thinking given to me this time is the original question. We have always known that Adsense requires originality. Now it seems that the translation is also a very good original idea. About this website is positioned as a financial stock website, I think if you read me Previous articles on Adsense website high-price keyword analysis should be clear, financial and financial stock keywords have been relatively high unit price, this is the reason for doing this positioning, and finally I wish everyone can apply.

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